Hurghada International Airport HEGN is located at 6.00048 km (3.24 NM S) from city of Hurghada. It is the second busiest airport in Egypt after Cairo International Airport and important destination for leisure flights mainly from Europe.
Cities: | Hurghada | Country: | Egypt | |
ICAO: | HEGN | IATA: | HRG | |
Elevation: | 109 FT | Latitude/longitude: | 271043 N 0334803 E | |
Operating hours: | 24/7 | Airport type: | International | |
MAG VAR/Annual change | 004°E (2015) / 05’E | Runways: | 2 | |
Time zone: | UTC +2 | Airport of Entry: | Yes | |
Tower frequency: | 119.600 MHZ | Types of traffic permitted (IFR/VFR): | IFR/VFR |
On the Ground
- Longest runway: 4000m X 60m
- Fuel types available: JET A1
Customs and Immigration:
- Customs and Immigration are available 24 hours
Safety and Security
- Fire category: 9
- Rescue equipment: AVBL
Health and Sanitation:
- Health and Sanitation are available 24/7
- Airline transport and taxis
Medical Facilities:
- 3 ambulances and hospitals in city
For support with your flight operations to Egypt Airports, contact Aviary