Aswan International Airport HESN is located at 18.52 km (10NM SW) of the city of Aswan
Cities: | Aswan | Country: | Egypt | |
ICAO: | HESN | IATA: | ASW | |
Elevation: | 662 FT | Latitude/longitude: | 235752 N 0324912 E | |
Operating hours: | 24/7 | Airport type: | International | |
MAG VAR/Annual change | 004°E (2015) / 04’E | Runways: | 1 | |
Time zone: | UTC +2 | Airport of Entry: | Yes | |
Tower frequency: | 118.300 MHZ | Types of traffic permitted (IFR/VFR): | IFR/VFR |
On the Ground
- Longest runway: 3402m X 45m
- Fuel types available: JET A1
Customs and Immigration:
- Customs and Immigration are available 24 hours
- Tourist transport and taxis
Safety and Security
- Fire category: 9
- Rescue equipment: AVBL
Health and Sanitation:
- Health and Sanitation are available 24/7
Medical Facilities:
- 3 ambulances, a hospital in the city and first aid
For support with your flight operations to Egypt Airports, contact Aviary